There are a number of excellent books on a pre-70CE view for Revelation. Check out Before Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry. If you would like a compelling interpretation on this view, that examines the entire NT from the standpoint of the 1st century Christians expecting the parousia within their generation, check out James Stewart Russell's book: The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878).
If you take this view, the Great Tribulation and the "end" came in 70 C.E. when Christ returned to execute judgement on the apostate harlot Babylon the Great: Apostate Jerusalem. It would have been at that time Christ gathered and sealed the 144,000 (be it literal or figurative) from the converted Jews and Gentile Christians. We are now in a figurative 1000 years waiting for the remaining few chapters of Revelation to be fulfilled.
I am not saying this is truth--each should come to their own conclusion. However, as "bible students" this a viewpoint that we should know. It is NOT a view that organized religion wants to hear because it takes away fear.